Welcome to our guide of “Cyberpunk 2077: Picking Angel Or Skye In The Automatic Love Mission”. On your way to find Evelyn Parker, you’ll have to choose between Cyberpunk 2077’s Angel or Skye. In Cyberpunk 2077, this option is amongst two dolls built to suit the wishes and demands of its consumers using mind-altering cyberware. If you’re here, you’re probably wondering who to pick first and whether it matters in the long term. Here’s all you have to learn regarding the Cyberpunk 2077’s Angel or Skye decision.
Picking Angel or Skye in the Automatic Love mission
In Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll have to select between Angel and Skye if you want to get inside the Clouds club and discover Evelyn Parker. Although you can attempt a variety of chat choices with the clerk to learn more. However the only way to talk to any of the dolls serving inside is to go in as a client. You’ll be required to plug into the terminal as part of this method for a check that will identify the best fit for you. You’ll be given two choices: Angel or Skye and you’ll have to choose one to continue. Which one, though?
Who you choose, like so many other choices in Cyberpunk 2077, is inconsequential. There’s the appearance of choice, but whether you choose Angel or even Skye, the end result is the same. You’ll approach Clouds, head to the booth of your choosing, and talk to whoever is there about having to find Evelyn. You’ll have the exact chat with whoever you chose, and you’ll have the similar options. The difference between Skye versus Angel is basically covering the NPC you encounter. So don’t be concerned about who you choose. There’s no sexual stuff because the dialogue options get right to the point regarding Evelyn before something racey occurs and once you’ve gotten what you need, you’ll be moving on to talk to other people in Clouds.
So, this was our guide of “Cyberpunk 2077: Picking Angel Or Skye In The Automatic Love Mission”. Please leave a comment below if you liked it!