There are many different types of medieval weaponry available to employ against foes in Chivalry 2. However, none of them compare to the oil pot, which has the potential to be a weapon of mass devastation.

The oil pot is a throwable item that functions similarly to a grenade. Although it is capable of doing twice as much damage. It distributes flaming oil over a wide area. Any foes who go into that area at the wrong time will be reduced to ashes. If you throw an oil pot at a gathering of adversaries. You have the ability to wipe out the whole group with only one attack.
In Chivalry 2, the following walkthrough will instruct you on how to make use of the oil pot.
Using the Oil Pot in Chivalry 2
In Chivalry 2, in order to equip the oil pot. You must first have attained the status of either a Crusader or a Devastator. Both the Knight and the Vanguard, their parent classes, have them as subclasses. Once you have achieved the Knight’s Crusader subclass. You will be able to utilize the oil pot as a beginning ability for other classes, including the Knight.
Before you can use an oil pot, you will need to charge it up first. You may charge up the ability by inflicting damage on or killing foes, as well as by healing allies. You are able to monitor your progress by watching the circle. It is located in the bottom–left corner of the screen. Your oil pot will be ready to use as soon as that circle is completely filled.
To begin, you will need to equip the oil pot. Either holding down the down arrow on the D-Pad on a controller or using the 4 key on a keyboard. You are going to use your left hand to carry the oil pot. Your right hand is going to continue to handle your main weapon.
The next step is to hurl the oil pot like a grenade by pushing both shoulder bumpers on a controller or the G key on a keyboard. This will allow you to throw the oil pot like a grenade.
You have the ability to hurl an oil pot up to 15 feet. Its strike will produce flames inside a set radius, and any foes who are trapped within it will take significant burn damage that is unaffected by armor. Because of this, the oil pot is a weapon that can be used very effectively against armored classes such as Knights and Vanguards.
Secret uses of the Oil Pot
To make the situation work, there are a number of other inventive uses for the pot that you may try. One possible use for them is the construction of a funnel.
This is one kind of protective measure that may be used to prevent adversaries from accessing a certain location. You have the ability to either slow them down or prevent them from approaching a region that you do not want them to access.
In “The fight of the Dark Forest,” you also have the option of using oil pots to bring down the opposing ruler. As the defenders become better in protecting their lord, they grow more difficult to destroy, which makes things very difficult for the player. You may do damage to the Lord by using the pot, which will force him to shift into a position from where you will have an easier time attacking him.