It is essential that you make yourself noticeable while you are in the midst of a 64-player battlefield. After all, how else are the adversary’s archers going to determine which target to concentrate their attention on? Players of Chivalry 2 have access to a vast range of customization choices, allowing them to customize the look of their character and the armor and weapons they use. In the following, you will find a comprehensive rundown of every available customization option in Chivalry 2.

Changing Skins
You will be able to enter the game’s main menu after you have completed the game’s tutorial and are ready to play the game normally. Locate the Armoury tab inside the main menu, and choose it to access it.
Launch the Customization menu after you have navigated to the Armory tab. From this point forward, you will be able to choose the class that you wish to modify the settings for. There are a total of three factions, and each faction has four classes available for its members to choose from. That brings the total number of customizable characters up to 12 in total.
The meaning may be gleaned from the name alone. Using this page, you will be able to adjust the majority of the characteristics that are present on the head. You will have the ability to adjust the following characteristics by using the head tab.
Shape of head
Skin Color
Eye Color
Face Paint
Chivalry 2 also provides you the option to have your hairdo seem anyway you want it to. You may modify the hair on your head as well as the hair on your beard by navigating to the Hair tab.
Helmets are only aesthetic accessories and provide no actual protection from the opposition. The game also gives you the option to play without a helmet, and if you do decide to wear one, you will have the choice to choose from one of three distinct helmets, which will change depending on the class you play.
Armor, much like helmets, is only for aesthetic purposes and does not give an extra layer of protection to the wearer. Within the armor menu, you will be presented with a number of alternatives from which to choose the piece of protection that best suits your playstyle. You also have the option to acquire more armor.
The heraldry choices allow you to personalize not just the design pattern but also the emblem that appears on your armor.
You have the ability to customize the appearance of your weapons in Chivalry 2 by going to the weapons tab.
The Step-by-Step Guide to acquiring customization items
In Chivalry 2, there are two different currencies that may be used to purchase goods from the store that allow for customisation. In Chivalry 2, these are pieces of gold currency and crowns.
When you play games and finish them, you are rewarded with gold coins. You may change the appearance of your characters and weapons by purchasing new skins with the gold coins you’ve earned. In order to gain gold coins, you will need to finish matches and invest some time into the game.
On the other side, players may acquire Crowns by spending their own real-world money, which can then be used toward the purchase of in-game products. You don’t have to slog through the game to earn gold coins; instead, you may pay with actual cash to get the accessories you need to customize your character.
You may unlock various attributes for your characters in the categories listed above by making use of both sorts of currency.
Faction & Armor Skins
Yes, the faction you pick will have an effect on the appearance of your armor in Chivalry 2, and each faction will provide you with a unique selection of skins from which to choose. In addition to the skins for armor, the following things also change depending on the side you choose.
Weapon Skins