When talking about Chivalry 2, cavalry is a popular subject to talk about. The presence of horses in Chivalry 2 should not come as much of a shock. Especially considering that they have been hinted at in both the game trailer and game graphics. This guide will provide you with information about Cavalry in general for Chivalry 2.

The Horse Riding mode
Chivalry 2‘s horse riding mode was finally made available in the game’s newest playlist. Tenosian Invasion, after a lot of tease leading up to its release in 2019. Therefore, if you want a Cavalry, you need to participate in the new Tenosian Invasion playlist. Only then will you be eligible for the reward. You will notice a random pop-up in the upper right corner of the screen while you are playing the game; you may hit the button to respawn as a Cavalry member on a horse.
Although the general public does not have a favorable impression of Cavalry. We on the other hand, are choosing to see the bright side and are enthusiastic about the newly implemented function.
The opinion held by the vast majority of players is that the addition of cavalry would result in an imbalance within the game. In point of fact, it will come with a number of intriguing new functions and customization choices. This will make the experience even more enjoyable. Players will need to come up with fresh ideas and techniques. Mainly, if they want to come out on top of the competition when the game’s possibilities are expanded.
Although horses are certainly strong and competent. This does not always indicate that they will be dominant or lead to an imbalance in the situation. If the designers of the game choose to include them, you can be sure that they will have also included some kind of defensive unit or weapon to use against them.
Bonus tips
In general, infantry armed with bows and spears have an edge while fighting cavalry. The reason for this is because they prevent the horse from getting close to you so that it can deliver harm from a safe distance. This will preserve the game’s balance while also contributing to the game’s overall variety.
It is also important to note that the cavalry, no matter how formidable it is, cannot and should not be employed in every situation. This is something that must be kept in mind. There are several locations in which traveling with your horse might end in tragedy.
If you bring a horse inside a castle, for instance, it will severely restrict your movement and make you an obvious target for the guards. If, on the other hand, you are in an open area, you may make use of your Horse to gallop about and cause mayhem for your rivals by running them over.