Archers are one of the four classes available to players in Chivalry 2. Even though it is the least powerful of all the classes, the Archer still has quite a bit to offer in terms of range on the battlefield. With the assistance of this tutorial, we will assist you in becoming a master of the Archer class in Chivalry 2, which is perfect for you if you like a ranged playstyle.

All the best tips for Archers in Chivalry 2
In Chivalry 2, the Archer is a mandatory ranged class that is also quite popular. However, since they have low stamina (50), maximum health (90), and movement speed (100), this class is considered to be the most divisive of the four available options. They are able to recapture the momentum of their team in battle by harassing enemies from a distance.
Due to the fact that archers are very defenseless while fighting at close range, archers have a difficult time surviving in battle. Let’s go through some of the strategies that can help you last longer in battle as an archer so that you may get more experience.
Avoid attacking from the close range
As was said before, archers are most well-known for their ability to launch assaults from a distance. They have a full array of weaponry that are designed for long-range strikes, so it is a pretty perilous task to put them in a situation where they are at a close range from one another. As a result, if you want your assaults to be as effective as possible, you need always position an archer at a distance.
The use of any of the three subclasses of Archers when mounted at a distance should work without a hitch; however, having a longbowman at a distance who makes use of braziers should give your adversaries a lot of trouble due to the fact that braziers cause a lot of damage.
Watch your flanks
Being an Archer requires you to keep a close eye on your flanks at all times. It is possible that you may come across some foes, such as the Vanguards; if this happens, you should move away from your current location and let your squad cover you; if necessary, you should also relocate. On the other hand, there will be occasions in which you will not have sufficient time to quit your position. In such scenario, you should make sure that you also have some weapons that has a near range.
Play as a team
The primary responsibility of an Archer in Chivalry 2 is to provide assistance to other players on the squad so that they may rack up kills. This class has the ability to interfere in battles in order to support its friends and make it easier for them to gain kills.
Because the Archer class is a ranged one, it is simple for them to contribute to the squad by making use of ranged weaponry like arrows and braziers. Just by moving to a more prominent location in the classroom, you may work miracles with the students there. You may also utilize the banner that comes with the Longbowman subclass to heal your teammates if they are within a specified range of you.
Using your ammo efficiently
Using your ammunition strategically is the last piece of advice for Chivalry 2 that we will cover today, and it is also the most crucial. You have access to a total of 20 arrows as an Archer, and if you use them wisely, you will be able to prolong your time spent in fight without having to search for more supplies.
To summarize, you should only employ Arrows when you are certain that they will result in a kill; otherwise, you will be squandering ammunition for no purpose.
Best weapons
In spite of having generally poor stats and not having any attacks that are effective at close range, Archers stand out as the most notable class in Chivalry 2 owing to the fact that they are an all-rounder class, possessing both ranged main weapons and melee weapons in their arsenal.
Throwing Axe
The throwing axe is often regarded as the least effective weapon in terms of main range, despite the fact that it may remove a significant portion of an opponent’s health. It is very dependent on the accuracy of your aim since if you don’t have strong aim, you won’t be able to wield this weapon, which is why it is the least recommended weapon to use while engaging in battle.
Axes that are used for melee combat, such as the Viking Axe, are among the most effective weapons used by archers. This is in contrast to the throwing axe. Although it has a leisurely swing, its reach and damage per second more than make up for its lack of speed. When you are being charged by an opponent, this weapon is at its most effective for you to employ. Make quick work of them by cutting off their heads with the axe.
Considering that the mace is the least effective weapon that an archer may employ and that it has a short range, it is the kind of weapon that you should save for use as a backup alternative since archers aren’t often recognized for their prowess in close quarters combat.
The Archer wields this single-handed, single-edged blade in combat. This weapon may be somewhat superior over a mace, but its range is still rather limited in comparison to that of other available options. In order to employ a Falchion, one must go into the middle of the battlefield and engage in a close-ranged assault. Once again, Archers are not the greatest choice for these kinds of battles.
Short Sword
A development that is an upgrade on the Falchion. Now this is a weapon that you may employ in battle; use it wisely. The Short Sword does a respectable amount of damage, is comparatively quicker in speed, and is included in the list of weapons that an Archer absolutely must have because of its high level of effectiveness.
The javelin, which serves as the primary weapon for the skirmisher, likely has the greatest reach of any combat weapon that an archer is capable of holding. It is possible to do significant damage to an opponent while remaining safely removed from the action thanks to the javelin’s ability to be hurled from a distance. For this particular class, the Javelin is the weapon of choice.
Archers are easily identifiable by their use of bows. They are so committed to bows that they have their very own specialized subclass—the longbowman. Archers are proficient in the use of at least three arrows to kill foes in battle, making the bow and arrow a key option for them to choose from among their armory.
The crossbowman class of archers has some of the most powerful ranged attacks available. Crossbows have a very great range of effective usage, and they inflict a significant amount of damage onto their targets. Although it takes a considerable amount of time to reload, this weapon is mostly renowned for the damage it does at long range.