The long-awaited sequel to the spectacular player against player medieval slash fest Chivalry 2 has finally been released. Nevertheless, the debut is accompanied by several networking failures that cause a great deal of irritation. However, there is no need to be concerned. In this tutorial will walk you through troubleshooting the most frequent mistakes. All that you may see while playing Chivalry 2 and will outline how to solve them.

The majority of problems that might occur in Chivalry 2 are related to not being able to join a multiplayer match. Even while this issue may at times be caused by a problem on the server side. Players can still attempt to repair it themselves. The Log in Error and the Matchmaking failure are the ones that occur the most often and are the most annoying. However we do have probable answers to these problems, which are discussed below.
Solution to the login error
When trying to log in to the game a lot of gamers have been getting the error “Request Timed out or Null Response,” which pops up every time they attempt to do so.
The fact that the game was just recently released is likely to blame for this. Since the servers are under a great deal of strain as a result of the game’s debut, which is resulting in the Login Issue. Because there are too many people using the servers, you will have this difficulty regardless of the platform you choose.
Logging out of the Epic Game shop and allowing your computer to restart is one of the probable solutions to this issue. After the computer has finished booting up. You should first open the game and then log back into your Epic Games account. If you are really fortunate, you will be able to bypass the Log in Error. Then enter the Lobby without any more delay.
Because other players on Discord have reported that the aforementioned solution helped them with the “Request Time out or Null Response” problem. It occurred during the log-in process, you are obligated to give it a go as well.
Solution to the matchmaking error
When you are trying to enter matches, a pop-up error notice that says “We’re Having Trouble Right Now” will appear. Could you please try again?’ There is no doubt that this is also the result of the fact that there are no available slots on the server due to the fact that all of the players are rushing to play the game. This may seem to be one of those mistakes that cannot be resolved from the player’s end, but there are various workarounds you may attempt in order to enter into Chivalry 2 immediately rather than waiting until the server end.
Make an effort to actively search for a server, and if you find one that is still accepting new users, you can choose to join it. You can accomplish this by selecting the Server Browser option from the menu that appears on the main screen. You will see a list of currently active servers, and you may choose one of those servers if it still has free spots.
Disabling the Crossplay option in the game page of the Chivalry 2 settings is another possible solution to the Matchmaking Error that players are experiencing in Chivalry 2. You will see the Crossplay option at the bottom of the page; this is the option that you should deactivate.
The developers have rectified this problem, making it such that it no longer exists in the 2.5.0 release. The number of participants in Tenosian Invasion has been capped to 52 in order to preserve the quality of the competition.
Solution to the anti cheat authentication timed out error
In conjunction with the game’s release on Steam, more bugs have also become apparent. The AntiCheat Authentication issue that players may run into when attempting to launch Chivalry 2 is the result of a problem with EasyAntiCheat and can be easily resolved.
Step one in getting started with Chivalry 2 is to find the location where it was installed on your computer. If you are unsure, you may right-click on Chivalry 2 inside the Steam library, choose Manage, and then select Browse Local Files from the drop-down menu that appears. After clicking on this link, you will be sent to the game folder.
Open the EasyAntiCheat folder once you are in the game folder. Then right-click on the EasyAntiCheatSetup file and choose “Run as Administrator” from the drop-down menu. EasyAntiCheat will be installed automatically if it hasn’t already been done so during the setup. If this is the case, an option to fix EAC should appear before you. Select the Repair option by clicking on it. After the problem has been fixed, you should attempt to restart the game.