The use of cannabis seeds is very diverse. After all, seeds are used for many medicines, feed for birds and other animals, the cosmetic industry, and even bait for fishermen. The oil contained in the seeds is saturated with vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed by the body. Hence, buying feminised seeds of cannabis is perfectly varied and legal. You can buy cannabis seeds at the Herbies store among a huge variety and at affordable prices.
What are feminized seeds?
Such seeds are more valuable, because if they were germinated, then only female plants would come out. Female plants differ from male plants in that they grow inflorescences, for which cannabis is most respected. Non-feminized marijuana seeds are called regular, males and females would come out of them equally, because the cost of this product is much lower.
What is the purpose of buying cannabis seeds?
Cannabis seeds do not contain the slightest amount of narcotic substances, so they are not psychoactive. Instead, they can be used for different purposes, such as:
● as feed for exotic animals. A few cannabis seeds each day can be fed to parrots and other caged birds. Oils and vitamins required for birds’ well-being are included in the seeds;
● to be used as food and bait when fishing. Many fish species, including tench, carp, bream, and carp, respond favorably to the aroma of cannabis seeds. The seeds are softly squeezed to intensify the oil’s aroma in order to utilize them as bait. It is thought that cannabis seeds increase fish appetite;
● for the production of cosmetics industry therapeutic creams and oils. Cannabis oil has several beneficial properties for the skin, including UV protection, wound healing, moisturizing, reducing inflammation, wrinkle reduction, and skin-healthy color;
● good quality cloth was produced from the stems of this plant, as well as twisted ropes and twine;
● cannabis seeds are used in a number of mixes and decoctions that are used in folk medicine to treat a wide range of illnesses. Some skin conditions are treated with cannabis oil. Regarding the usage of seeds in medicine, cannabis milk is used to treat genitourinary system inflammation as well as pulmonary TB, sleeplessness, and depression.
● from the seeds of this plant can be prepared wonderful culinary masterpieces;
Can you buy cannabis seeds online?
It is best to order cannabis seeds from trusted growers at a reputable store. You can easily buy the best cultivars of cannabis seeds from the Herbies store. All cannabis seeds in the store are sold and sent only in the original packaging, only this guarantees the highest quality, and you can be sure that this is not a fake. Reasons to buy cannabis seeds from Herbies:
1. This store does not sell fakes – guaranteed original products, only from time-tested seed banks and breeders;
2. Store provides a courier delivery service;
3. Store constantly replenish stocks with new interesting varieties, check all new selections;
4. Store promptly process incoming orders;
5. Part of the goods is protected by a guarantee;
6. Store provides information support.