Welcome to our guide called “Bugsnax: How To Find The Triangle Key And Use It?”. The Triplicate Space offers various audio logs & puzzles to complete, but players must first obtain the Triangle Key. This article will show you how to gain the Triangle Key & go to the Triplicate Space.

How to find the Triangle Key in Bugsnax?
While Bugsnax players visit the new biome, they’ll notice that torches must be lighted with flames in order to open new places. The first torch to be lit is at the Grumpuses’ base camp, and players must link a Trip Shot to it, then use it to light the other torches. Upon lighting some torches, players will soon discover themselves inside a cave. The pie creature, a bugsnak called Pielobite, hangs out in this cave. Inside the cave, a massive door is closed tight, although if players light the torch within, the door should slide open. After passing through the door, players will locate the Triangle Key inside a hallway. Now that the players have the mysterious key, they must travel to Boiling Bay and utilize it.
How to go to the Triplicate Space in Bugsnax?
Players can go to Boiling Bay easily simply viewing the map within the menu & selecting the location they want to visit. It’s a lot quicker than walking there. To locate a ship that has been broken in half, go to the rear of Boiling Bay. Players must climb to the tip of the ship, which they can do by using the launchpad. Ensure that the launchpad is as close to the ship’s back as feasible. Now go to the front & gaze down to see The Triplicate Space’s entry. Players will be taken to the region as soon as they fall.
So, this was our guide called “Bugsnax: How To Find The Triangle Key And Use It?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!