Welcome to our guide “Blasphemous: What Are The Best Tips For Beginners?”. Before going in deep, players unfamiliar to Blasphemous or Metroidvania-style games in general must read these beginners tips.

Boost max health for survival
Filling up bile vessels for healing is equal to boosting a player’s max health. Instead of searching for containers to fill up with potions, a player can boost the max health by discovering a secret room on each level which has a big statue with several swords. After the player locates the statue, any one of the statue’s swords will be handed to them, boosting their max health. To locate this statue, a player needs to remember to investigate every room as thoroughly as possible.
Try attacking from below
It goes without saying that a player will face numerous opponents in Blasphemous. They’re everywhere; thankfully, players have worked out how to attack a large number of foes on the ground while only suffering minor injuries. As long as the player is above the ground floor, they can attack opponents from below. All a player needs to do is jump up & swing upwards frequently, and the enemy will take damage without even being ready to attack; even though their AI is triggered, a player will drop down to the ground quickly.
Biliary Vessels are essential
Biliary vessels provide the finest approach to recover after a struggle. The biliary vessels act as flasks or potion bottles in other games. A player can fill a room with biliary vessels to recover. Even though the first filling costs money, it is later free every time the player goes to a shrine. Obtaining and refilling as many bile vessels as feasible is safe.
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