This year, Bandai Namco’s Tales of series celebrates its 25th anniversary! The first entry for Super Famicom was released on 15th December, 1995.
After 25 years, it has got quite the history – with a long list of mainline entries, sequels and spin-offs released over time. To celebrate this milestone, Bandai Namco is hosting a special anniversary livestream. There’s no exact date just yet – so keep an eye out for that in the future. Here’s what to expect, courtesy of Gematsu:
“The live stream will feature game development stories and anecdotes with producers who have worked on the Tales of series, as well as discussions centered around user questions and survey responses. The latest information on the Tales of series mobile games, events, anniversary goods, and more will also be announced.”
The most recent entry in the series to come to the Switch was a definitive edition of Tales of Vesperia. The same game is also currently on sale on the Switch eShop in North America. In October, Bandai Namco also trademarked ‘Tales of Luminaria‘ in Europe.