Author: Aaron Kohn


Aaron writes guides and news related to the games at Apart from his passion for writing and playing games he's exploring new places around the globe.

Welcome to our guide “Prey: How To Find The Q-Beam Gun?”. In this guide we will show to how to find Josh Dalton’s body as well as the magnificent Q-Beam gun. How to find the Q-Beam gun in Prey? Finding Josh Dalton throughout Prey is well worth the effort, as you’ll not only get the magnificent Q-Beam pistol, but also several incriminating statements to fill out his story. Go into the G.U.T.S. via the Arboretum and hurl yourself into the tunnel, through the Magnetosphere chamber and the cystoids, the Weaver, and also radiation boxes. Continue until you reach the huge pipe.…

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Welcome to our guide “Prey: How To Find The Golden Gun?”. Prey’s Golden Gun does greater damage and shoots more softly than the silenced pistol. Here’s how to get one. How to find the Golden Gun in Prey? Begin in the lush Arboretum. Go towards the looking glass watching area and grieve about the damaged scene selector. Next, destroy it. Step over the pieces and go down the tube. Fear not by the scary falling boxes, but get ready for the two mimics which will appear. Once they’re gone, use the GLOO Gun to make a path up the shaft. Climb up to find a…

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Welcome to our guide “Prey: How To Find Kimberly Bomo’s Corpse In The Maintenance Tunnel?”. In this guide we will show you how to look for the Arboretum access code in the Prey Detour quest. Prey: Finding Kimberly Bomo’s corpse in the maintenance tunnel The maintenance tunnel code in Prey is important to complete the Detour quest, as you will be unable to go further across the corpse-filled “G.U.T.S. Zero-G” tunnels without it. Kimberly Bomo, like several other dead crew members, has this code. That doesn’t imply she can’t help you with this task. In Prey’s Detour mission, a locked door leads to…

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Welcome to our guide “Evil Dead: Does It Support Crossplay?”. In this guide we will go over all the details about Evil Dead’s crossplay and multiplayer support. Evil Dead: Does this game support crossplay? Is crossplay possible Evil Dead? Because it’s a multiplayer game, cross-platform support between PS4, PS5, PC & Xbox would increase player numbers while reigniting competition of console versus PC and gamepad versus mouse/keyboard. We’ll discuss whether or not Evil Dead will feature cross-platform play as well as what we know regarding it. As stated in an official Tweet, Evil Dead: The Game would certainly enable complete crossplay as well as cross-platform support upon…

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Welcome to our article “Anime Journey: What Are The Roblox Codes For May 2022?”. Introducing Anime Journey! A game which is still in open beta. Latest games mean latest codes, so keep an eye out for them. Here’s a list of all the Roblox codes for May 2022. All the Roblox Codes Anime Journey is the new Roblox game in open beta. This game has been developed on for a long, yet there are currently a few problems and months of content to come. We keep up with Roblox games, so we have the codes for the beta version of Anime Journey ready.…

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Welcome to our guide “World of Warcraft: What Is The Damage Over Time?”. World of Warcraft seems to be a game filled with unique terms, acronyms, as well as phrases, and one of the most baffling one is ‘dot.’ Here’s an overview of what it all implies. If you’ve ever been to Azeroth’s plains, you know there’s a lot to take in. The wide number of different skills available in World of Warcraft might be quite puzzling. ‘Dot’ is one of the several terms you’ll have to master. With that said, let me explain what dot signifies within World of Warcraft, so that you…

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Welcome to our guide “Fortnite Season 2 Chapter 3: What Does Every Error Code Mean?”. Error Codes could signify that Fortnite is totally down for all, or that there is a problem with your gaming platform. You’ll certainly need to know what’s occurring and how you can continue playing. So, knowing what these codes denote will help. Here are the most frequent Fortnite error codes. Error Code 0 This is typically a PC game’s client issue that prevents the game from opening, so check the game files inside the client game options, or open a command prompt as the administrator & type ‘sfc/scannow’ followed by Enter.…

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Welcome to our guide “Salt And Sacrifice: What Are The Best Tips For Beginners?”. These are some pointers to help you get started on your quest to destroy the mages who are attacking the kingdom of Altarstone. Watch out for traps The traps in Salt and Sacrifice seem to be among the most frustrating traps in gaming. They’ll hurt you, give you status illnesses, and maybe push you down into deep chasms which may even kill you. Knowing what a trap seems like will help you avoid it. Look for ropes to leap across and pits in the ground to roll over. You should not be…

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Welcome to our guide “Mobile Legends: How To Use The Advanced Server To Hide Your Match History?”. Search no further if you’re seeking how to hide your match history within Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. This guide will provide you with all you need to do just that. What is the Advanced Server in Mobile Legends? Mobile Legends: Bang Bang’s Advanced Server is identical to League of Legends’ PBE server. Featuring new heroes and gear. The advanced server even lets you test out new features & system updates before they hit the main server. To hide your match history, you must follow some steps. But, before…

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Welcome to our guide “PS5: How To Turn Off Voice Chat?”. In this guide we will go over how to disable your voice chat and mute everyone in the game as well as disable your controller speaker. How to turn off voice chat in PS5? To mute everybody within your game lobby in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and any other multi-player game on PS5, just open the menu and turn off all the chat. Simply follow these instructions for silence: ⦁ On your controller, press the PS button.⦁ To access the first activity card, press up on your d-pad.⦁ For…

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