Raw Mutton may be eaten in Ark: Survival Evolved as a consumable food item. Raw Mutton may be obtained by harvesting deceased Ovis with Hides in order to complete this quest. There are a number of distinct approaches of harvesting ovis. The quantity of raw mutton that may be obtained from each strategy varies.

Raw Mutton may be used for a variety of things in the game. Including satiating the player’s hunger and taming carnivores at a somewhat accelerated pace. These are only two of its numerous applications.
The original map doesn’t have a lot of ovi spawn points. However the new Fjordur map that was recently released as a paid expansion. This map has more ovi spawn points than the original map had.
We will cover all there is to know about growing Ovis and acquiring Raw Mutton in Ark Fjordur in this article.
Finding Ovis
On the map of Fjordur, there are various spots that have a greater quantity of Ovis than other parts of the territory. You may gather them by going to these different places.
1st Ovis spawn location
Around 90.4 latitude and 20.6 longitude is the first of the sites in the southern section of the map. It has a higher spawn rate than other areas. At this location, you will discover a group of ovis congregated all the way up on the summits of the snowy mountains.
2nd Ovis spawn location
This site is one of the few in the southern portion of the Fjordur map. It has a higher spawn rate and may be utilized to farm Ovis. The other spot that fits this description is located in the middle of the map. To be more specific, its coordinates are around 76.0 LAT and 30.2 LON. It may be found near the foot of the mountains, right on the outskirts of the Snow Biome.
3rd Ovis spawn location
This spot is on the border of the northwest quadrant of the map, around 18.5 degrees north latitude and 07.5 degrees west longitude. At the peak of these icy mountains, you may discover a large population of Ovis.
4th & 5th spawn location
Plains are the next feature on our tour. They are located in the middle of the eastern half of the map. Precisely in the areas bounded by 42.4 latitude, 69.4 longitude, 40.4 latitude, and 40.6 longitude. These regions are home to a significant number of ovis. In certain spots you may even come across whole herds of the animal.
6th spawn location
This place may be found on the highest point of the mountains that can be found to the north of the Fjordur map. Additionally, it is possible to discover whole herds of them in this location. Typically, the locations may be found in the general vicinity of 21.0 LAT and 60.0 LON.
Farming raw mutton instantly
Raw Mutton may be harvested from Ovis in two distinct ways. Both of these approaches are viable. You have the option of either using your Tools, such as the Chainsaw, or your Pets, such as the Direwolf.
You will be able to get a bigger quantity of Raw Mutton from a dead Ovis if you use Tools, notably the Chainsaw, or if you have a high–level Therezino.
Utilizing your pets, such as the Direwolf, on the other hand, is not as effective since it gives you with proportionately less Raw Mutton per Ovis.
Using other, more common equipment like the Hatchet and the Pickaxe results in an even lower quantity of Raw Mutton than employing Direwolves does, therefore in situations like these, using Direwolves is the better option to go with.