In Ark: Survival Evolved, new adversaries, weapons, and artifacts have been introduced for players to hunt down since since the Fjordur addition was made available to the game’s users. It should come as no surprise that not every player would want to go through the arduous grind required to get these goods. We have gathered a list of all the console commands and cheats that players may use in Ark Fjordur in an effort to make things simpler for them.

Creature Spawn Commands
- cheat Summon Andrewsarchus_Character_BP_C
- cheat Summon Desmodus_Character_BP_C
- cheat Summon Fjordhawk_Character_BP_C
- cheat Summon Fenrir_Character_BP_C
- cheat sdf fenrir_character_bp_boss_easy 1 1
- cheat sdf fenrir_character_bp_boss_medium 1 1
- cheat sdf fenrir_character_bp_boss_hard 1 1
- cheat summon Fenrir_Character_BP_MiniBoss_Hati_C
- cheat summon Fenrir_Character_BP_MiniBoss_Skoll_C
Boss Trophies Spawn Commands
- cheat gfi fenrirboss 1 0 0
- cheat gfi fenrirboss_gamma 1 0 0
- cheat gfi fenrirboss_beta 1 0 0
- cheat gfi fenrirboss_alpha 1 0 0
- cheat gfi fjordur 1 0 0 (flag)
Item Spawn Commands
- cheat gfi AndrewsarchusSaddle 1 1 0
- cheat gfi runestone 1 0 0
- cheat gfi sanguineelixir 1 1 0
- cheat gfi mjolnir 1 0 0
- cheat gfi DesmodusSaddle 1 1 0
- cheat gfi Egg_Fjordhawk 1 0 0
Artifact Spawn Commands
Players may avoid having to fight the bosses by using these instructions to spawn the artifacts into their inventory instead of having to defeat them.
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_12 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_11 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_01 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_09 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_02 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_05 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_07 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_08 1 1 0
- cheat gfi PrimalItemArtifact_03 1 1 0
Artifact Teleport Commands
You will be teleported to each of the artifacts that players need to gather in order to engage in boss encounters with these instructions.
- cheat spi 162968 168827 -21709 -62.14 0.47
- cheat spi -259785 -294237 -34567 -1.17 -58.36
- cheat spi -121684 -304375 14594 -141.13 -16.15
- cheat spi -157218 -305245 14292 71.86 -5.35
- cheat spi 77282 -246235 12015 29.45 -20.34
- cheat spi -296583 189236 459 40.17 -14.59
- cheat spi 241219 -222617 6028 90.76 -3.77
- cheat spi 258894 277180 9668 -36.24 -11.07
- cheat spi -298946 -16755 -7783 -150.84 -31.52
- cheat spi 111321 -227642 6855 30.44 -15.99
Teleport Commands
- cheat TP AS
- cheat TP BLUE
- cheat TP GREEN
- cheat TP JO
- cheat TP RED
- cheat TP VAL