Each new installment of Ark: Survival Evolved adds a slew of prehistoric beasts for players to track down and put under their control. The same is true for the most recent update to Fjordur, which has included a number of new animals, one of which is called the Andrewsarchus. This prehistoric boar may be discovered in a number of locations, which is why our Ark Fjordur Andrewsarchus Location guide exists; it will assist you in locating and taming it so that you can use it.

The location of Andrewsarchus
Do not be fooled by its furry appearance; the Andrewsarchus has the ability to transform into an armored mini tank. When in this form, it can carry a powerful minigun on its back that is capable of destroying practically everything in its path.
The sole known location of Andrewsarchus is on an island located to the south–west of the Fjord area. If you have a GPS, the coordinates for the island are 60,0 and 25,2; if you don’t have a GPS, you may use these.
How do you tame Andrewsarchus?
For your convenience, we have compiled a list of everything, both required and desirable, to domesticate an Andrewsarchus.
- Honey (Necessary)
- Ghillie Armor (Optional)
- A crossbow (Optional)
Honey is the only thing that can make an Andrewsarchus submit to its master. Honey may be obtained from a regular bee hive, or it can be farmed from honey nodes in the region where you are going to tame the bees. In order to harvest the honey node, you will need to use a pickaxe. It is best not to hoard the honey that you have obtained since its quality will deteriorate over time. Just gather 25–30 of them, then go on to the taming procedure.
There is no need to have the Crossbow or the Ghillie Armor. When you approach an Andrewsarchus while wearing Ghillie Armor, its viewing range will be reduced by around half, making it less likely that it will get startled. In this game, a crossbow functions similarly to a grappling hook. In the event that Andrewsarchus attempts to track you down and catch you, you may use this to your advantage while climbing. This should cause it to lose its line of sight and everything should go back to normal.
The real process of taming
In order to begin the real process of taming the beast, you will first need to remove any impediments and any creatures that may be present in its immediate environment. The other animals and the debris have a tendency to muddle up the taming procedure, which may result in having to start the taming process over again.
After you have accomplished that, you will throw the honey you gathered earlier in the general vicinity of the Andrewsarchus. As soon as the beast comes within reach of the honey and begins to consume it, run at it from either side and saddle it in order to start the process of taming it.
When you first begin the process of taming, two arrow icons will appear on your screen. These arrows point in opposite directions. When any of the arrows is green, press and hold the movement keys (A and D) so that they remain green until both of the arrows become red. Repeat the steps again and over again until the wild animal is under your control. The efficacy of the taming reduces with time in a gradual manner; thus, you may need to begin the process all over again if the effectiveness reaches zero.