You are now in possession of a one-of-a-kind chance if you are a player of Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch and you reside in the Northern Hemisphere. From the first to the tenth of April, cherry blossom trees will be in full bloom, and you will be able to make seasonal dishes with cherry blossoms during this time. The complete list of Cherry Blossom Do–It–Yourself Recipes from Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be found here.

Cherry Blossom Do-It-Yourself Recipes
At the beginning of the spring season, the majority of the normal trees on your island will be transformed into Cherry Blossom trees. These trees will remain on your island until the end of the season. Cherry blossom trees, in addition to continuing to drop standard wood, softwood, and hardwood as well as tree branches, will also result in cherry blossom petals floating about, which you may capture.
You may uncover the Cherry Blossom recipes by using your slingshot to bust balloons or by searching for bottles on the seashore to see if there are any concealed there. You have to make an effort to locate all of them before the cherry blossoms finish blossoming.
The following is a list of all of the Cherry Blossom Do It Yourself recipes that can be found in Animal Crossing and then crafted utilizing everyday goods as well as cherry blossom petals.
Cherry-blossom petal pile
- Cherry Blossom x5
Blossom-viewing lantern
- Cherry-blossom Petal x6
- Hardwood x4
Cherry-blossom branches
- Cherry-blossom Petal x8
- Tree branch x4
- Clay x5
Cherry-blossom wand
- Cherry-blossom petal x3
- Star fragment x3
Cherry-blossom pond stone
- Stone x10
- Cherry-blossom petal x3
Outdoor picnic set
- Cherry-blossom petals x10
Cherry-blossom pochette
- Cherry-blossom petal x6
Cherry-blossom umbrella
- Cherry-Blossom Petal x7
Cherry-blossom clock
- Cherry-blossom petal x5
- Iron nugget x1
Cherry-blossom flooring
- Cherry-blossom petal x10
- Clump of weeds x20
Cherry-blossom trees wall
- Cherry-blossom petal x1
- Hardwood x5
Sakura-wood wall
- Cherry-Blossom petal x5
- Wood x1
Sakura-wood flooring
- 5 Cherry-blossom Petals
- 10 Wood
In conclusion, All of the recipes using cherry blossoms may be found in New Horizons. Because of gaming, at this time of year when people tend to isolate themselves socially, there is no need to go to countries with cherry blossoms in order to enjoy the magnificent trees.