We bet you didn’t open this article to read about some solely theoretical facts related to writing. You need facts that will help you deal with your assignments and we are here to provide you with them. However, in the end of this article, we will share some facts about writing that we just find amusing. Some of them, we bet, you will hear for the first time. Stop! Don’t just scroll to the end of this paper, read some practically applied facts about narrative writing first.
Narrative Writing Facts That Will Help You with Writing Tasks
There are dozens of rules that define the quality of narrative writing. Most probably, your professor thinks that you should have memorized them already and use them every time you need to write a narrative essay or another assignment of the same sort. Don’t worry, it is hardly true for any student, you are not alone. Here, we will offer you seven facts/rules about narrative writing that can be used as guidance every time you receive a related writing assignment. Save this article to bookmarks.
Fact #1. Your Plot Should Have a Recognized Logic
Maybe once you become a famous writer, you can introduce new rules for the plot construction. For now, please follow Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling action and Denouement strategy. Obviously, you can have several peaks in your narrative story, but every peak should be preceded and followed by rising and falling action, logically connected with other parts of the plot.
Fact #2. Characterization Should Happen Before Writing
Characterisation means inventing and defining the characters you use in your narrative writing story. The main hero is mostly called a protagonist (a good guy), and the anti-hero is called antagonist. Remember, that while a hero is mostly a person (or an animal, someone or something humanized by values and aspirations) , antagonists may take any form (fear, political directives, illness, etc.). You need to know your characters before you start writing. They may grow as the plot unfolds, but you cannot reinvent them with every twist.
Fact #3. Conflict Should Be Well-Defined
Narrative writing needs a conflict. Even when you order a professional essay from a writing service, you set some rules. You want an assigned academic writer to take some position you prefer and prove it. This position is normally in conflict with some other position. The same should happen in narrative writing. The conflict should be well-defined, as conflict resolution is exactly what your readers want to know about.
Fact #4. Setting Should Comply With the Plot, Heroes and Conflict
Setting is very important and beginners often pay too little attention to it. Setting can strengthen or weaken your entire plot. Setting gives meaning if you know how to describe it. Remember, that recognizable or easy to imagine setting is based not on long narration about the setting, but on small bright details that push the reader’s imagination towards the right direction.
Fact #5. Perspective Defines the Development
It is the briefest point of all. Choose the point of the narrator and make sure you don’t mix them along the way. There are only three options: first-person narrator, third person narrator (with limited knowledge) and third person narrator (unlimited knowledge).
Fact #6. Tone of Voice is Top Important
The tone of voice, the tone of the entire narration should comply with heroes, antagonist, setting, perspective and the speed with which the plot is unfolding. We often hear about brands’ tone of voice, but we should remember about it when dealing with writing assignments as well.
Fact #7. Know Writing Rules Before You Start Breaking Them
It is not, strictly speaking, a fact, but it is something you should take care about. Often, students read about narrative writing rules and say something like “yes, but I have my own style.” Well, you don’t yet. You have to learn how to do it right, before you can convincingly and effectively break rules and still come up with something worthy.
Facts About Writing That May Awe You
This part is just for fun. It happens when you know a lot about the topic, but you are not sure people can find practical meaning in what you know. Maybe you can use these facts in your writing later, or maybe you just use them to outsmart your friends in a discussion.
- Fact. The ability to write is not inherent in man from birth, it is a trait acquired in the process of education. When a child is just learning the technique of writing, he diligently displays the letters on paper, that is, consciously. But gradually the manner of writing becomes mechanical.
- Fact. The oldest and simplest way of writing appeared, it is believed, in the Paleolithic – “story in pictures”, the so-called pictographic writing. This letter, of course, is very imperfect, because you can read the story in pictures in different ways. Therefore, pictography as a form of writing is not recognized by all experts as the beginning of writing.
- Fact. The longest alphabet in the world is Cambodian. It has 74 letters.
- Fact. The smallest alphabet in the world is the Rotokas alphabet. It is spoken by residents of the Bougainville Islands, part of the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean. In the alphabet rotokas only 12 letters
- Fact. There are 28 letters in Arabic, which at the end of the word are written differently than in the middle, there are 5 such letters in Hebrew, one in Greek, but zero in other European languages.
Writing is an incredible thing, an immense achievement of our ancestors, and we should treat it with respect. Our life now is hugely defined by all the writing before us. Writing about inventions, narrative writing that has formed values of the entire nations, written rules of medical assistance and even our Constitution. Of course, when doing writing assignments it is important to remember that whatever you write gets like a thread into the whole huge carpet of universal writing. It may seem that your narrative writing assignment means nothing, it is just an academic task that should be written before the deadline. Change the perspective, and it will change the quality of your writing overall.