Spelunky 2: An Overview of the Sun Challenge
Welcome to our ‘Spelunky 2: Guide For The Sun Challenge’ article. Do you want to know what exactly the Sun Challenge in Speluny 2 is? In this guide we will give you a brief overview of the Sun Challenge. The Sun Quest is one of the three activities that focus on celestial bodies. The strange NPC Tun, a new figure who seems to understand more about the caverns than she lets on, is in charge of this challenge. She appears at random points throughout the game and she also has secret stores hidden inside the walls.
Her most important role is to provide you with the opportunity to take on these celestial hurdles by locating her in the specified place. To complete the Sun Quest, you must travel to world seven, also called the Sunken City. Tun’s chamber can appear in any corner of rounds 7-1 or 7-2 or otherwise 7-3, with the first having the most chance. She’ll cost you $50,000 to take part, so ensure that you have a lot of cash on hand.
The Sun Challenge is different from the other challenges in that it focuses on survival rather than creative navigation. You’ll be thrown into a small space with a large amount of adversaries to contend with. Your only aim is to last 30 seconds, and if you do, you’ll be rewarded with “Arrow Of Light”.
How to complete The Sun Challenge?
This is the most difficult celestial challenge as the battle in Spelunky 2 is chaotic and you can be hit repeatedly with little opportunity of recovery. The best part is and you’ll have plenty time to prepare.
Humanoid foes such as Sorceresses, Vampires, Witch Doctors, and Necromancers are encountered. Distant attacks by Witch Doctors & Sorceresses are rare, so keep on moving to avoid being surrounded.
The Web Gun, Freeze Ray and Shotgun are the best weaponry for this challenge.
It is important to be careful of Frog Traps that fire left or right spears, Spawners that drop adversaries and Regenerating Blocks that return 5 seconds after being destroyed. Frog traps seem to be the most hazardous since they can merge in with the darkness & their spears do 4 points of damage.
Consider bringing plenty of Explosives and Ropes to this challenge. There are ladders throughout the chamber but set some ropes for extra possibilities. To make Bombs sticky, get some Paste out of a store or Giant Spider. This makes them considerably better at taking out large groups of adversaries.
You can exploit the fact that most of the challenge’s adversaries are stationary. With Spring Shoes or perhaps a Jetpack, you may forge forwards of them or out of their reach. Avoid Vampires in their bat modes.

So this was our guide for the Spelunky 2 Sun Challenge. Keep gaming!
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