Alpha Pokemon in Arceus

Welcome to our ‘Pokemon Legends Arceus: Catching Alpha Pokemons’ guide. Players learn at the beginning of the game that certain Pokemon all across Hisui have become furious. These unique Pokemon are not only considerably bigger than their normal breed but they also have higher stats. Alphas have flashing red eyes, making them easy to recognize by trainers.
Usually one of these colossi can be found in every region of the map and in certain situations, two can be found in close vicinity to each other. While incredibly hard to beat, players actually capture the Pokemon and include them to their squad. Unlike the majority of the species on the map, you will almost always have to put up a fight before even trying it.
Catching Alpha Pokemon in Arceus

Players can battle Alpha Pokemon to reduce their health to yellow or red to boost their chances of catching them. Using status moves like sleep and paralyze will further increase your chances of catching something.
The best way to catch Alphas is to come up around them and utilize Gigaton Balls to catch them. Trainers can make the ideal trap by merging them with the Oran Berries. The Heavy Balls also will work and have similar effectiveness at lower levels, so those in the early game don’t have to fear.
While crouching, come closer to the Alpha Pokemon and toss an Oran Berry in before of them.
Creep up behind the Alpha and approach within a foot of it when it goes to consume the Berry.
Toss the Gigaton Ball towards the creature’s back.
If it narrowly escapes, flee until you are no longer visible. Later Repeat the previous steps.
So, this is our guide for fighting and catching Alpha Pokemons in Pokemon Legends Arceus. We hope you liked our ‘Pokemon Legends Arceus: Catching Alpha Pokemons’ guide. Please do leave a comment below.