Welcome to our ‘Pokemon Go: How To Get A Sun Stone?’ guide. In Pokemon Go, Sun Stones can be used to evolve a variety of animals, particularly Helioptile, into their final form. Here’s how to get them, as well as which Pokemon require them in order to evolve.
Evolution Items always seem to be difficult to come by in Pokemon games but Niantic have made them much more difficult to obtain in Pokemon Go by not assigning them to a specific location.
You’ve come to the correct place if you’re having a hard time figuring out how to develop Whimsicott, Gloom, Cottonee, Lilligant, even Heliolisk with the Sun Stone in the mobile game.
How can you get a Sun Stone?
Spinning PokeStops & Gyms yields Sun Stones. Getting one of these several stones is challenging with a 1% drop rate.
The concept that they drop with the game’s other Evolution Items makes collecting one much more difficult, as you may end up with a new item instead.
Here are our quick Sun Stone tips:
Attempt to spin as much PokeStops & Gyms as possible.
Visit a busy region with lots of PokeStops to get the most spins in a quick time.
You’ll get an Evolution Item if you get a PokeStop Daily Bonus for 7 days. Hopefully it’s the Sun Stone!
Keep a watch out for event-exclusive Field Research assignments that offer Evolution Items such as the Sun Stone.
Laying your hands upon the Sun Stone isn’t easy, but with patience and time, you might be awarded.
How to Use them to Evolve Pokemon?

To evolve your selected Pokemon with the Sun Stone, simply follow these steps:
Click the Poke Ball symbol in the Pokemon Go app’s bottom-middle.
Open a menu. ‘Pokemon’ opens your Pokedex.
Choose the creature you want to evolve.
If you meet the prerequisites, ‘Evolve’ will appear beneath ‘Power Up’. Pick that.
Done! Your Pokemon will be using a Sun Stone to evolve and will be ready to battle!
That is all you really have to know about getting the Sun Stone inside Pokemon Go.
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