In Dragon Quest Builders 2, you’ve run out of cotton? Here’s how you can get more.

Cotton is an important building resource in Dragon Quest Builders 2 and is used to make a variety of furniture and other crafty objects. It is necessary for the Relaxation Room to be built, therefore it becomes commonly accessible during the game’s second chapter on the coastal island of Khrumbul-Dun. This guide will walk you through all of the places in Dragon Quest Builders 2 where you may find Cotton, and also the most effective ways to acquire it while you’re back at your home base, The Isle of Awakening.
How can you get cotton in Khrumbul-Dun?

As you reach the Khrumbul-Dun mine’s subterranean lake region, you’ll see a mushy green plant down beside the water. You will obtain Cotton bits if you destroy it. This is the easiest way to obtain sufficient cotton to accomplish Chapter 2’s tasks and advance the plot.
Cotton may also be obtained from a Bunicorn, a recurrent Dragon Quest monster, albeit it is a rarer drop. Bunicorn animals may be found wandering the upper arid level of Khrumbul-Dun, especially near the oasis. We recommend using the subterranean lake approach because it is faster, however Cotton from Bunicorn Kills can suffice if you’ve exhausted all of the subsurface supplies.
How can you get cotton on the Isle of Awakening?

Travel to Laguna Perfuma by boat after completing Moonbrooke in Chapter 3 of the game. You’ll need to collect 2–4 sheep and return them to The Isle of Awakening. Now that you’ve come home, you’ll need to assign all of your new sheep to a community with farmers. Your best chance is probably the Furrowfield residents’. For your sheep, build an animal house with animal beds, grass, and pet dishes. Make a farm with a gate. If you grow wheatgrass on your farm, it becomes an Animal Pen. The sheep will drop cotton throughout the day. After that, you’ll have unlimited Cotton for free.