Welcome to our ‘How To Deal With Toxic Players In Video Games Without Ruining Your Own Fun?’ article. Video games are a lot of fun and certainly do bring people together. Although sometimes you’ll run into toxic players who make your game experience worse than it should be. Usually they’re swearing at you or team killing. However, there are ways to deal with these types of players without ruining your own experience in the process! Here are a few ways to deal with toxic players in video games while keeping your cool and enjoying the game how it was meant to be played.

What to do if someone is being toxic?
If someone is acting negatively, unpleasantly, or like a jerk while you’re playing a game together, your first impulse might be to say something negative back. Resist that urge—it will only escalate things further. If you do feel compelled to say something, keep it cool and calm (in other words: ignore them).
Dealing with troll and griefers
While there is no 100% remedy for dealing with a griefer, there are actions you can take to minimize their effect on you and enhance your enjoyment of your favorite game. One method that seems to work for many gamers is employing what’s called The Griefer Dilemma, which is a simple solution that leaves you feeling more empowered than ever.
Dealing with flamers
The best advice for dealing with flamers is—don’t. If you’re a new player, just learn how to block or mute people and move on. If you want to be helpful as a tank or healer, you can look at what other people are doing and provide suggestions, but don’t get into an argument about it. If they change their behavior, great; if not, that doesn’t mean you need to alter yours.
Dealing with AFKers
If a player has disconnected from a game due to poor internet or computer problems, they’re probably not intentionally trolling you. Be courteous and wait until five minutes after they disconnect before you boot them. This gives them time to realize what’s happened and come back. If five minutes pass, it’s safe to remove them from your team and search for new teammates.
In conclusion, while it’s true that you should never stoop down to another player’s level, it can be difficult not to. The most important thing is to stay focused on having a good time.
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