Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: How To Find The Stillsands Tallneck?”. Finding & overriding a Tallneck will reveal the entire Horizon Forbidden West landscape as well as all of the sites within it, actually making these unique machines a top priority for anyone looking to navigate Horizon Forbidden West. In this guide we will cover the Stillsands Tallneck.
How to find the Stillsands Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West
The Stillsands Tallneck has been damaged, and records discovered that some residents attempted to demolish it by ballistas, only to be repelled by machines sent to guard it from such tampering. While their delivery was weak, their strategy was sound. Do the steps below if you wish to make hacking this system a top priority. If you wait till after task “The Wing of the Ten”, you can bypass all of the steps below. The way of bypassing the Tallneck following that is a lot, much easier provided you have the patience.
⦁ Remove all machines from the area. There will be more afterwards, but you need to reduce the numbers now so they don’t become overpowering.
⦁ Focus your attention on the Tallneck to find the weak spots. These are very noticeable lighting blue parts throughout its neck, body and legs but make sure you notice them all for what follows.
⦁ Look for the ballistas. At least four are strewn about the Tallneck’s path.
⦁ Hit one of the weaker glowing points with the ballista to bind a big anchor to it. Your objective is to employ each ballista to anchor each vulnerable spot.
⦁ Each effective shot will call machines to defend the Tallneck, so either sneak about using smoke bombs or just cope with the fresh wave of robots every time you go to a different ballista.
⦁ The Tallneck will slip and fall over once you’ve fired anchors into each weak spot, so hop upon its head and overcome it.
So, this was our guide for “Horizon Forbidden West: How To Find The Stillsands Tallneck?”. Feel free to leave a comment below if you liked our guide.