Welcome to our guide of “Genshin Impact: Our Top 3 Hydro Characters”. Each Hydro character in Genshin Impact brings something diverse to the table. From committed healer units like Kokomi to mysterious mages like Mona, there’s a Hydro character to suit each kind of game style. On the off chance that you’re looking to include a Hydro character to your group, we’ve recorded our best 3 of the 4-star and 5-stars in this category.
Genshin Impact: Barbara

As one of Genshin Impact’s free characters, Barbara is one Hydro unit that’s accessible to each player. This 4-star specializes as the model healer, which can be a tremendous reward for any group that finds themselves taking harm. As a Catalyst client, Barbara can securely soak her adversaries with water assaults from a far distance.
Both Barbara’s Basic Expertise and Basic Burst give lifesaving AoE recuperates, giving players the power to carry on fighting. In truth, the finest Barbara build can allow you the edge over indeed the fiercest of enemies, so ensure you utilize it when including the Sparkling Icon to your group. She has a 4 star rarity and her best weapon is the Catalyst.
Genshin Impact: Kamisato Ayato

The faceless leader of the Yashiro Commission no more, Kamisato Ayato has been uncovered. The brother of Ayaka, he is anticipated to form his Genshin Affect make a big appearance in Version 2.6 afterward in 2022.
Wielding a sword in his advancement craftsmanship, there’s more points of interest coming out around him by the day. This incorporates him showing up in a potential anime mystery, as well as capacity spills and more. Don’t forget to spare those primos for his dispatch! He has a 5 star rarity and his best weapon is the Sword.
Genshin Impact: Mona

Mona is Genshin Impact’s inhabitant Hydro mage. This exceedingly talented astrologist may be destitute in Mora, but she certainly isn’t missing in utility. The Astral Reflection may be a incredible expansion to any group that points to rapidly immobilize all adversaries on the front line with bounty of harm to boot.
This mage’s auto assaults, Essential Ability, and Basic Burst all bargain AoE Hydro harm, making her unimaginably valuable to Freeze comps. Consider utilizing Mona in case you have got a Ganyu or Ayaka as your primary DPS as their harm will too high. She has a 5 star rarity and her best weapon is the Catalyst.
So, these are our top 3 Hydro characters in Genshin Impact. We hope you liked our ‘Genshin Impact: Our Top 3 Hydro Characters’ guide. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked our guide.