Welcome to our guide of “Fortnite: How To Find Clingers?”. Clingers were first featured in the early days of Fortnite, but they were removed near the conclusion of Chapter 1 and only have recently been reinstated to the game. Because of the plunger on the front, they attach to the first material they come into touch with before bursting 3 seconds later. If you’re trying to keep up with the Fortnite tasks, you’ll need to use a Clinger to injure other players, so here’s all you require to understand about Fortnite Clingers as well as where to get them.
Fortnite: Finding the clingers
Sadly, Fortnite Clingers are only found in the overall treasure pool, so there are no special spots where you can be sure to find them. Instead, you’ll need to keep an eye out for floor loot spots, open Chests or explore Supply Drop for a shot to find them, so keep an eye out. For clarifying, you can buy a Boom Sniper Rifle weaponry for 500 bars from the characters Lt. John Llama or even the Scientist, which launches Clingers as projectiles but these only qualify as sniper rifle damage and will not count towards the mission total if you use a Fortnite Clinger.
Fortnite: Harming players with a clinger

Once you’ve located some Fortnite Clingers, you’ll need to hurt players with them. Press the aim key to see the anticipated trajectory, then hit fire to launch. You want to strike your enemy with the Clinger so it sticks to them so they ca n’t shake it off. Repeat till you’ve dealt 100 damage to opponents with the Fortnite Clinger.
So this was all about finding clingers in Fortnite. Do leave a comment below if you enjoyed this guide.