Welcome to our ‘Far Cry 6: How To Destroy Helicopters?’ guide. This Far Cry 6 guide article provides instructions on how to destroy opposing helicopters. We’ve got suggestions on shooting down enemy helicopters and forcing them to make an emergency landing using an EMP charge.
Far Cry 6: When do helicopters appear in game?
Combat with opposing aircraft may take three forms:
- Enemies may jump inside the chopper and start operating it after alerting the area. Defeat the opposing soldier before he enters the cabin.
- A helicopter can monitor an area, especially in high-level areas. Avoid remaining out in the open if you don’t want to combat the helicopter symbol.
- During operations, helicopters may attack. They occur in both major missions and minor quests. Avoiding a potential conflict may become impossible.
Far Cry 6: Use your rocket launcher
You can employ rocket launchers to take down hostile helicopters.
Segunda is located in the Valle De Oro’s southern section. The aforementioned location features a huge chest containing a unique La Guaracha launcher.
If the helicopter hasn’t seen you yet, utilize the launchers. Otherwise, the pilot may start evading the missiles. Fortunately, pilots don’t always do this.
Far Cry 6: Use static machine guns
Some helicopter landing zones include stationary machine guns (also on vehicles). Their fast firing rate makes them useful against helicopters. Only use them against lesser helicopters, since the hero will be exposed.
Far Cry 6: Use Volta Supremo to sabotage a helicopter
This strategy works well but needs a Volta supremo, a backpack with a special assault.
Remember that supremos are bought from Juan’s businesses, one of which is on Libertad Island, where The Guerilla began. This supremo costs 100 Depleted Uranium units. This uncommon resource is hidden within enemy bases.
The Volta’s unique assault sends an EMP pulse that disables all nearby equipment, including helicopters. Wait for the helicopter to come closer before attacking to ensure the target is hit.
The helicopter’s height and energy might cause it to crash. Then it either runs out of foes or explodes. Ensuring that the chopper crew is not killed in the explosion makes beating them simpler.
Far Cry 6: Use a sniper rifle
The final option is dangerous and suitable for smaller helicopters. It also works best if the opponent machine hasn’t seen you. Get a sniper rifle with a nice scope. Stand atop a hill or other high vantage point to survey the region.
Shoot the helicopter pilot with a sniper rifle. Target his head (the better the scope you have, the greater the zoom). Hold your breath to improve your aim. The helicopter crashes if the pilot is killed.