Welcome to our guide of “Far Cry 6: How To Complete The New Revolution Quest?”. This guide covers one of the primary objectives in El Este, The New Revolution. Where is La Moral’s hidden refuge in Concepcion? How can you enter the adversary ship?

Where to visit La Moral’s leader?
A fresh major mission unlocks after finishing Take Your Medicine. You must visit Jonron, who has relocated to “Patriotas Peak guerrilla camp” at El Este, after your last meet Concepcion, Conuco, is the new location. Jonron will send you a mail with two photographs of La Moral’s refuge. The Danza Tradicional structure is located in the southwest area of the town. The rebel hideout’s entryway is secret, but the snapshot you got will let you locate it. Engage with the door “within” the enormous graffiti across the wall and you’re in. Enter the underground lair’s primary area to find Yelena Morales.
How to save the hostages?
Speak to a rebel near the exit, and mount a horse & follow the rebel. Speak to Calixto, a helicopter pilot, at Carbonell Farm. He will assist you reach the ship with the captives. Wait till the chopper approaches a hostile ship at sea. Use your mobile to undertake early reconnaissance from overhead, try to mark both adversaries & the alarm triggers. To prevent alerting the opponents, get out from the helicopter and drop on the ship slowly. It’s safe to dock in the sea and then sneak up on the hostile ship. Your mission is to eliminate all opponents onboard the ship, either discreetly or in open confrontation.
Ascend one of the upper spots to have a better view and make yourself harder to reach if you’re spotted. You can stay near to the ship’s landing deck to block attackers from using it. Locate the interactive lever after you’ve defeated the ship’s foes. To rescue the people within the orange container, you must first lower it. The next mission will be marked in Concepcion’s rebel hideaway, however it’s basically just an extended clip. You need to enter the subterranean guerrilla base & listen to Yelena’s lecture. The Rebel Hideout at Concepcion has further missions available after finishing Bullet Points.
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