Welcome to our guide of “Far Cry 6: How To Complete The Model Citizen Quest?”. This guide will take you through the Yaran tale Model Citizen, a Madrugada side quest. This guide describes how to access this assignment, where to locate Rodrigo Lecoste, and how to kill the insane artist the simplest method possible.

How to unlock this mission?
The marking for this Yaran narrative is located in the northern portion of Madrugada’s Aguas Lindas subregion. You must visit Chica Nunez when you arrive. She must be standing close to the water, to the front of the cottage.
How to complete the Model Citizen quest in Far Cry 6?
Rodrigo Lecoste is a crazy artist that creates works out of human body parts. You must travel to the village to the south from where you began the task in order to locate him. Once there, you’ll discover that Rodrigo is joined by men of the special forces, so sneaking into the mission area would be a good choice. The best method to do this objective is to use your mobile to locate Rodrigo, then kill the quest target using a long ranged shot. Make a beeline towards the man’s head. Regardless of Rodrigo’s dying circumstances, you should leave the village; you do not need to battle the men of special forces. Start running away as soon as possible, increasing the gap separating you and the settlement by heading in whichever direction you like. The objective will be accomplished if you’ve gotten far enough away from the settlement and have avoided any possible pursuit.
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