Welcome to our guide of “Far Cry 6: How To Complete The Hype Bomb Quest?”. This walkthrough covers one of the key objectives in Valle De Oro, Operation Hype Bomb. Our guide shows you how to damage Maria’s billboards, make leaflet bombs, and switch the banners on a crane.

How to unlock the quest?
While finishing the major quests in Valle De Oro, you can have the opportunity to begin this operation. You must wait until the mission indicator shows inside Camp Maximas, the guerilla hideaway, suggesting that Bicho is available for conversation. Following your conversation with Bicho, you must travel to Segunda town, you can alternatively take a quick travel to get there, where you must first achieve two of the mission goals, which can be completed in any sequence.
How to damage Maria’s billboards?
Begin your journey around the city, whether on walk or by car. To avoid frightening any opponents along the route, it’s a great idea to hide your weapons. Look for Maria’s billboards all over the place. To destroy a billboard, you must approach it and press the interaction key. Using this strategy, you must vandalize 6 billboards. Minimum one billboard will need you to mount a building’s roof, though this shouldn’t be too difficult if you look about for higher platforms or boxes to climb on.
How to place the leaflet bombs and swap Maria’s banners?
You must look for gleaming trash cans in order to complete this mission objective. You can arrange the leaflets within by interacting with them. 3 leaflet bombs must be prepared. You must mount the crane in the town to fulfil this mission objective. To get there, you’ll have to climb a few more ladders. It’s possible that an enemy helicopter is circling the region. You can either concentrate on finishing the objective, watch for it to depart the area, or destroy it with a launcher or the Volta supremo.
To approach the next banners, begin slowly moving up the crane boom. To swap out the banners, press down the interact key next to each one. It’s preferable to leap off the crane and then use the wingsuit to fly towards the place where you’re intended to meet up with Bicho once you’ve destroyed all the interactive banners. He’ll be waiting for you at the petrol station, but if you’re being followed by foes, you’ll have to get rid of them first. The mission will conclude with a cut-scene displaying Maria’s botched speech.
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