Welcome to our ‘DOTA 2: How To Play A Mid Hero?’ guide. Today we will discuss about how to play in the mid position properly. What makes any mid player the second most part of any lineup and what is the importance of dominating the mid lane?

DOTA 2: What is a mid hero?
Mechanically, Mid is the most demanding position. In the laning phase, when you need to block the initial wave of creeps and then approach the mid-lane fight with a good grasp of what to do, harass your opponent or don’t be harassed out of the lane. Not to mention ganks that demand you to watch the minimap.
As a Mid, you’re supposed to win your lane (have higher networth than your opponent at 7-10 minutes) and assist your team make plays, kill enemy heroes, and take objectives. You shouldn’t carry more than your hero permits, but you shouldn’t presume it either. Your squad must be aggressive, push lanes, and participate regularly. Otherwise, your carry and towers will be under continual attack. In Dota 2, for one player to farm, others must keep the other team occupied.
DOTA 2: What really makes a mid hero?
Mechanically, Mid is the most demanding position. In the laning phase, when you need to block the initial wave of creeps and then approach the mid-lane fight with a good grasp of what to do, harass your opponent or don’t be harassed out of the lane. Not to mention ganks that demand you to watch the minimap.
As a Mid, you’re supposed to win your lane (have higher networth than your opponent at 7-10 minutes) and assist your team make plays, kill enemy heroes, and take objectives. You shouldn’t carry more than your hero permits, but you shouldn’t presume it either. Your squad must be aggressive, push lanes, and participate regularly. Otherwise, your carry and towers will be under continual attack. In Dota 2, for one player to farm, others must keep the other team occupied.
DOTA 2: What should be your aim?
Midfielders have diverse tasks. They include clearing lanes, helping your team claim or defend objectives, and creating room for your carry. Part-time farmer and ganker?
You’re supposed to exert pressure on the game as a Mid-laner. You may not be the top farm priority, but you’re still expected to be a top hero. If you play the position well, you’ll be the most farmed hero throughout most games and the team’s actual carry.
DOTA 2: Most commonly played mid laners
Mid-lane heroes vary widely. Each has strengths and limitations. Queen of Pain or Shadow Fiend are great gankers. Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, or Dragon Knight are hard to destroy after 5-10 minutes. Templar Assassins and Outworld Devourers farm quickly. It depends on personal talent, preference, and matchup requirements. An Invoker as a Broodmother or Visage is a bad choice unless you’re a pro.
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