Welcome to our ‘DOTA 2: How To Play A Carry Hero?’ guide. In this guide we will discuss about the various aspects regarding playing a carry hero and successfully taking all the remaining noobs in your team to glory. Let’s understand what is a carry and what is the importance of a carry in any team?

DOTA 2: What is a carry?
The Carry position requires knowledge of farm efficiency, item selections, timings, power spikes, hero matches, and team-fighting. It’s a challenging job and a double-edged sword: excel and your team’s chances of victory are substantially better; fail and you’ll almost certainly doom them.
Dota 2 players despise their Carry since he often doesn’t perform a decent job yet persists on playing the position. People will expect you to make wise judgments and carry them to victory if you choose the Carry job.
DOTA 2: What really makes a carry?
Good communication skills are needed to coordinate with your team and tell them what to do to help you succeed. This is true not just at the beginning of the game, when you’re powerless and dependant on your supports, but throughout the contest.
As a carry, you shouldn’t fight unnecessarily or rush into battles without preparation from your initiators. You’re the team’s principal farmer and damage dealer, thus making either error may lead to loss. First, you’ll fall back in farm. In the second situation, you’ll become the opposition team’s hero focal point and perish every combat.
DOTA 2: What should be your aim?
As a Carry, your team wants you to farm creeps when you’re not needed to defend a Tower, Barracks, Roshan, etc. You’re the key investment, thus you’re given farm priority and protection in the early game so you can outfarm opposing cores. This enables you to control the game’s rhythm and where conflicts occur.
Carry players must know whether to fight or farm. You should know how to do both well and invest your gold wisely. Mistakes will hurt your squad.
DOTA 2: Most commonly played carry heroes
Spectre, Phantom Assassin, Slark, Gyrocopter, and Juggernaut are popular Carry heroes. There are many more, and your choice depends on personal preference. Some heroes are poor versus others, while some are at a disadvantage dependent on the game meta, regardless of matchups.
A naturally powerful hero is much stronger in the proper hands. Playing one, two, or three heroes until you master them is smarter than playing 20 heroes poorly.
We hope you liked our ‘DOTA 2: How To Play A Carry Hero? ‘ guide. Please do feel free to leave your comments below and let us know about your favorite carry hero.