In Destiny 2, each new season boosts the Power level limit by a specific amount. Most seasons boost the Power cap by ten, while expansion-related seasons raise it far more. Season of the Haunted continues this pattern by boosting Destiny 2‘s maximum Power level to 1,570 Power.

In essence, this very little boost in Power maximums enables you to spend less time mining Pinnacles and more time playing content that you like. Having said that, athletes who missed a season or two will still have some catching up to do. We’ll go through how Power leveling works, how much Power you can anticipate from each activity, and some tactics for swiftly leveling your main and alternative characters.
With the introduction of the Duality dungeon, a new Pinnacle Gear farm has been discovered. This article has been updated to add a second means of fast gaining 1,570 Power.
How does power level function?
In Destiny 2, your power level influences two important things:
- How much harm you cause
- How much harm you can withstand?
Both of these advantages increase in value as your level increases. If your Power level is lower than the recommended level for the activity, you will take much more damage from adversaries and deliver significantly less damage to fighters.
You must collect new weapons and equipment with a higher Power level rating to boost your Power level. All non-sunset treasure will raise your Power level until you hit the “soft cap.” This cap is adjusted seasonally. The soft cap for Season of the Haunted is 1,510 Power.
Once you’ve reached the soft cap, you’ll need to earn Powerful Gear rewards from weekly milestones and activities in order to receive higher-level gear. Every action that awards Powerful Gear will be listed by your Director. All of these activities will be included later in the book.
You have reached the “hard cap” for your character’s level if you attain a Power level of 1,560. While this may seem to be paradoxical, it is not the case; you may boost your Power by earning Pinnacle Gear from Destiny 2’s most difficult content (raids, Trials of Osiris, et cetera). This is referred to as the “pinnacle cap,” and it is presently set at 1,570.
The only way to raise your Power level over 1,570 is to level your Seasonal Artifact. In Destiny 2, artifact leveling happens passively as you acquire XP.