Follow this guide and explore how to fight, how to protect yourself, how to control your health and more in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot game.
Health points
While battling in the game make sure you have an eye on the health bar which can be found in the lower right corner of the screen. Restore your health in case your health is dropping tremendously.
Ki bar
Ki bar lets you know the number of super attacks you can do. It can be found right next to the health bar. Even the Ki bar can be restored if it drops significantly during the battle.
Learn all the controls to duel better in the game. Each element has a different button. These battle controls can be found on the left of the screen.
Enemy health status
One of the most crucial thing in any game is to find the health of the enemy you are dueling with. The enemy’s health bar is in the upper right corner of the screen in the game.
Stun indicator
Stun Indicator is located below the enemy’s life bar. Once exhausted the enemy won’t be able to harm and attack you for some time. This opens a brief window for you to attack the enemy with a powerful attack. The enemy is vulnerable and open to damage in this state.
Avoid Damage
Firstly, use the ‘Guard‘ to shield yourself from attacks. A blue shield will appear to protect you. Guard can be used to reduce the impact of an attack done by the enemy.

Secondly, use ‘Step.’ A step is used generally when an enemy is about to attack you. please note it cannot be used after an attack. Step usually slows down the enemy opening a window to counterattack.

Also note, the red color means the guard is soon going to disappear. Step back before it ends or else you will be vulnerable to attack for a few seconds.
Super attacks
Super attacks are developed in the skill tree. Open the attack palette and choose the attack you want to use over the opponent. Choose the attack wisely so that you don’t waste the opportunity.
In case the enemy is moving away you can drag them back and ensure they face damage.
Boost can be activated through Ki and Tension Gauge. Once activated boost will increase your stats for some time. It even allows you to interrupt all kinds of enemy attacks.
Dual Attack
While battling you can call a fighter for your assistance who will boost up your battle with the enemy. Help you damage and restrict the opponent for some time.