Build guides for each class of Diablo 2: Resurrected
The finest Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Paladin, and Sorceress builds we could find.
Diablo 2: Resurrected features seven playable classes. Each one allows you to play in a variety of ways. You must choose skills as you level up. You can have radically different experiences with each class depending on which talents you choose.
Polygon’s Diablo 2: Resurrected class build guide delves into three of the most popular builds for each class, as recommended by veterans all around the internet. Explore your options for the Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Paladin, and Sorceress in Diablo 2.
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, the Amazon can focus on either their bow or their javelin. While many experienced players prefer the javelin for its raw power and strength against single targets, the bow is also a viable construct for those who like to assault numerous opponents at once.
The three most popular Amazon builds are listed below.
The Archer Amazon build, often known as the Bow Amazon build, emphasizes the class’s multi-target damage characteristics. Multiple Shot and Strafe are the two key skills used in this setup. With each attack, your arrows are miraculously split into several projectiles. This Amazon construct is ideal for taking out large groups of foes at once.
The Amazon Poison Javelin construct emphasizes on long-term damage. Poison Javelin and Plague Javelin are used in this build to poison your opponents. Once infected, opponents take a portion of your level in damage over time. Try this build if you like the idea of hit-and-run tactics in combat, and see for more information.
The Lightning Amazon build is all about putting out a lot of damage, which is accomplished mostly through the usage of two separate abilities. Lightning Fury is the attack of choice for groups of foes, while Charged Strike offers massive lightning damage to single targets. If you want a simple and strong Amazon, go with this build.
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, assassins do damage in a number of methods. They can employ elemental finishing moves to assault large groups of opponents, or they can deploy traps to attack enemies for them. This class may also go toe-to-toe with bigger opponents while increasing their attack power.
Take a look at some of the most popular Assassin builds.
The ability Phoenix Strike is used in the Elemental Assassin or Phoenix Strike build. Assassins can use this attack to unleash waves of various elemental attacks while causing melee damage. This build combines single-target melee strikes with AOE (area of effect) assaults that cover the entire screen. If you want to cover the screen with devastating abilities, this is the build for you.
The Trap Assassin build focuses on the trap skill tree and is a formidable hands-off build. Each of the Assassin’s traps can be put on the battlefield and will attack foes for you when they approach. Without your interaction, traps like Death Sentry and Wake of Fire will do elemental damage to adjacent foes. This is an excellent construct for players that enjoy the idea of having machines fight for them.
The Dragon Talon Assassin build is a formidable single-target killer that makes use of the fighter’s close-range abilities. This build makes use of a variety of finishing moves, such as Dragon Talon, that do a lot of damage and increase attack strength. Venom, for example, increases the damage your weapons deal over time, giving you even greater strength. This is an excellent construct for dealing with powerful opponents, and has all the specifics.
Barbarians are powerful melee attackers in Diablo 2: Resurrected. Some of their most effective builds rely on skills that keep them in the thick of the fight. They are one of the most durable and powerful fighters in the game due to their damage output and survivability.
Here are some of the most popular Barbarian builds on the internet.
The Berserker Barbarian build takes use of the Berserker skill, which boosts your attack while dramatically lowering your defense. Other talents like Battle Orders and Shout, which improve your health and defense, balance out this build. If you want to rush down massive adversaries with a burst of strength, go with the Berserker build.
By focusing on the Whirlwind skill, the Whirlwind Barbarian build turns your character into a pinwheel of death. This build can mow down waves of foes like a deadly top, thanks to the Weapon Mastery option, which increases the strength of your favored weapon. This is a superb build for rushing into battle while whirling and cutting your way through your opponents.
Due to the Frenzy ability, which allows you to swing two weapons at once, the Frenzy Barbarian construct can annihilate big adversaries. With each successful strike, Frenzy increases your Barbarian’s speed, making this build more lethal the longer it stays in combat. If you appreciate the idea of being faster and deadlier the more you fight, this is the build for you.
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, druids employ powerful magic to summon powerful allies, cast elemental magic against opponents, or change into terrible creatures. If you design the appropriate build, this class can be lethal at any range.
The following are three of the most popular Druid builds.
The Summoner Druid builds rely on summoning allies to aid you in combat. The Druid may summon a number of monsters to fight alongside them, including a Raven, Dire Wolf, Grizzly, and even deadly Carrion Vines. If you want to rush into battle with a small army, this is the build for you.
The Wind Elemental This character’s Druid build allows him to rip adversaries apart with the strength of the wind. Twister, Tornado, and Hurricane are skills that allow you to unleash deadly gusts of wind at your foes from afar. If you want to hurl enemies around with magical wind bursts, this is the build for you.
The Fury Druid build is a formidable melee build that allows you to shift into a werewolf and tear your foes apart. Werewolf, a shapeshifting ability, will turn you into a beast, and Fury, a skill, will allow you to attack several foes at once or a single target multiple times. If you want to go on a rampage as a big terrible wolf, this is the build for you.
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, the Necromancer can utilize dark magic to call allies to fight with them. If you choose to battle on your own, you can use poison to incapacitate opponents or lethal bone attacks to lock them down.
The following are some of the most popular Necromancer builds.
The Poison Nova Necromancer is a lethal construct that infects opponents in a variety of ways. Poison Dagger makes your close-range attacks poisonous. Poison Explosion allows you to make deadly explosives from the bodies of opponents that have died. Finally, Poison Nova threatens all enemies in your vicinity with a poison burst. If you want to handicap numerous attackers at the same time, this is the build for you.
Create an undead army with the Summoner Necromancer build. Raise Skeleton summons boney allies to fight your foes, whilst Clay Golem allows you to bring in a more powerful ally. This build is ideal for players that prefer to delegate their dirty work to their minions.
The Bone Spear Necromancer build is based on encircling and piercing your opponents with Bone Spear. Bone Prison and Bone Wall are abilities that slow down your opponents, making it simpler to attack them. If you want to deny your opponents a safe haven, use this construction.
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, Paladins have incredibly simple and powerful builds. With strong and targeted strikes and many defensive auras to help them stay alive, they can endure hordes of opponents.
Three popular Paladin builds are listed below.
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, Paladins have incredibly simple and powerful builds. With strong and targeted strikes and many defensive auras to help them stay alive, they can endure hordes of opponents.
Three popular Paladin builds are listed below.
The Hammer Paladin build is a simple one that makes advantage of the devastating Blessed Hammer ability, which rips foes apart. It’s a powerful build, especially against undead enemies, because the ability increases their damage. If you want a simple but powerful toolset, this is the build for you.
The shield is the most powerful weapon in the Smite Paladin configuration. Smite is a skill that bashes and stuns opponents at the same time. Damage is increased by skills like Fanatacism, and your shield is strengthened by Holy Shield. If you want to straddle the border between defense and offensive, this is the build for you.
Zeal is used in the Zeal Paladin build to attack numerous foes at once. This arrangement, while still a melee-focused build, allows Paladins to rip through hordes of opponents. The Zeal Paladin benefits from damage-increasing talents like Fanatacism and Sacrifice. If you prefer a simple play style that is nonetheless effective in combat, this is the build for you.
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, the Sorceress is a formidable long-range attacker who uses elemental magic to harm opponents. To combat waves of opponents, three typical builds for the class use lightning, ice, or fire.
Here are three popular Sorceress builds.
The Chain Lighting Sorceress build uses the character’s several lightning attacks to do damage from afar to foes. Chain Lightning is the core ability of this build, and it creates arcs of energy that move through many targets. Other powers, like as Lightning and Nova, will use tremendous magic to zap hordes. If you want to blast through adversaries like a living lightning bolt, this is the build for you.
With powerful ice magic, the Frozen Orb construct slices through foes. The Frozen Orb skill fires an ice orb that fires ice bolts as it moves. You can also use Frost Nova and Glacial Spike to freeze your adversaries while shooting Frost Bolts at them. If you want to paralyze and stab your enemies with icy magic, this is the build for you.
You can engulf your adversaries in flames with the Fire Ball Sorceress build. The Fire Ball ability, which forms an orb of fire that bursts and destroys enemies, is the build’s major offensive tool. Meteor and Fire Bolt can also summon a flaming ball from the heavens, which fires fiery magic missiles at creatures. If you want to sear your enemies with fire magic, this is the build for you.